life is crazy right now, especially for the past month (after getting back fm the honeymoon), and things are just NOW starting to come together...sort of! at least the boxes are broken down finally, and the dining room is set up (minus pictures on the wall). great progress was made yesterday!
so i'm hoping the tasks for this week to be accomplished are as follows:
- wash the new towels and sheets bought yesterday with my bb&b gift cards
- put away all the new goodies bought at bb&b
- study my butt off for my new job (same place, just more challenge!)
- get a couple more rooms together - i think the art room is my next project!
- go out to dinner with my husband on a date :)
- maybe paint my art room purple this weekend since i have no current plans...YESSSS!
i must say married life is great, minus the mini-adjustments that we must go through where one of us gets frustrated. but those happen with everyone when living with someone new. i love him very much and i dont' know what i would do without him!! :)
i'll let ya know how the checklist works out! ha!
Sunday, November 14, 2010
Friday, October 22, 2010
we're baaaaaaaack...
...and hopefully will be able to update everything on sunday!! :)
just know that it's coming! :)
just know that it's coming! :)
Wednesday, September 29, 2010
do-over? all signs point to 'YES'!!
ok, so mayyyyyybe i haven't been the world's most faithful fact, i might just be the worst. but i'm really hoping that when all this wedding stuff calms down, i'll be able to sit down a couple of times a week and give updates about how married life is treating us. well, that is, if we both show up next saturday ;) i think we're just ready to make it to the day, get it over with, and have a great day with our friends!
new updates (in a nutshell):
-most projects are COMPLETE!
-ok, so maybe only 20 more tissue paper flowers to complete...
-and maybe putting paint on programs...
-rehearsal dinner venue fell through and switched back to original location
-bridesmaids dress crisis averted
-i'm obsessed with a couple of the new shows that debuted this fall...
-those being nikita, hellcats, the event, mike & molly, and a few others...
-i'm SO excited to spend the day with all of our friends and family on october 9th that i can barely stand it!
-i'm just AS excited to go on a 2-week vacation with my new husband...even if we don't have everything quite figured out yet. at least we'll have fun! AND eat at bobby flay's mesa grill...YUM!
-i'm NOT stressed. and i think that stresses everyone else out. so to all of those stressed out bridezillas out there, do what i do. laugh!
i love you guys and i hope to see all of ya'll next saturday!!!! :)
new updates (in a nutshell):
-most projects are COMPLETE!
-ok, so maybe only 20 more tissue paper flowers to complete...
-and maybe putting paint on programs...
-rehearsal dinner venue fell through and switched back to original location
-bridesmaids dress crisis averted
-i'm obsessed with a couple of the new shows that debuted this fall...
-those being nikita, hellcats, the event, mike & molly, and a few others...
-i'm SO excited to spend the day with all of our friends and family on october 9th that i can barely stand it!
-i'm just AS excited to go on a 2-week vacation with my new husband...even if we don't have everything quite figured out yet. at least we'll have fun! AND eat at bobby flay's mesa grill...YUM!
-i'm NOT stressed. and i think that stresses everyone else out. so to all of those stressed out bridezillas out there, do what i do. laugh!
i love you guys and i hope to see all of ya'll next saturday!!!! :)
Monday, June 28, 2010
now back to the wedding side of things...
i have a TON of stuff to do...
invitations, invitations, and MORE invitations are on the list...
i'm really hoping to blast through the majority of them this week/long weekend.
the only 4th of july weekend plans that i have are to go to dinner at my future sis-in-law's boyfriend's new house saturday night. and then it will be back to the drawing/painting board. i HAVE to get these done in the next few weeks...but my calendar is already busy and filling up as we speak!
july 10th - amanda's bachlorette party
july 16th - tom's birthday
july 24th - amanda's wedding!!
july 30th - close on our house!!!!!!!! :)
which will be followed by complete and utter panic...ha!
hopefully we can get it all together and have a great time on october 9th. i know i will! ;)
invitations, invitations, and MORE invitations are on the list...
i'm really hoping to blast through the majority of them this week/long weekend.
the only 4th of july weekend plans that i have are to go to dinner at my future sis-in-law's boyfriend's new house saturday night. and then it will be back to the drawing/painting board. i HAVE to get these done in the next few weeks...but my calendar is already busy and filling up as we speak!
july 10th - amanda's bachlorette party
july 16th - tom's birthday
july 24th - amanda's wedding!!
july 30th - close on our house!!!!!!!! :)
which will be followed by complete and utter panic...ha!
hopefully we can get it all together and have a great time on october 9th. i know i will! ;)
Friday, June 18, 2010
BIG changes!!
so, there's a reason why i haven't been blogging too much lately. and i promise it's not just because i forgot - because i haven't. i've been dying to tell everyone, but i didn't really want to hear the feedback until we had it figured out....
...we're buying a house!!!!
it all spurred from one little comment from my friend keri about her neighbor's house going up for sale. it was a really cute house (just like theirs, but mirror image), so when she told me about it, i thought well, maybe we can look at it. travel down the road of time three months and i get a call from keri saying that they put a sign in the yard that day...
i went and looked at it and fell in love with all of the possibilities that lied ahead of us. i pictured our furniture, painted walls, and OUR home. that sunday, tom and his family came and looked at the house and liked it as well. side note: if you know me at all, i like to THINK that i'm a planner but when the urge strikes, i like to jump on it and take advantage of a situation. tom, not so much. he's a muller, if you know what i mean. he wanted to think, and i wanted to jump on the opportunity. i think this is why we chose to only tell a few people about our venture (at this point) - due to the fact that some people would think that we jumped into it all too quickly and maybe think that we shouldn't make a rash decision.
anyways, later that week, we made an offer on the house...
alas, it did not work out. it was a foreclosure that had just went on the market, and the bank was not willing to budge (at that point - it has since been reduced)
so, now we've got the fever...and i mean fev-vah! ha!
tom decided that he wanted to start looking for a house due to the fact that we now realize that it will be cheaper than rent to actually invest in something. side note: i knew this already having played the apartment game for a couple of years after college...
he also decided that he wants to start looking in the spring hill area - due to the good prices, new shops, proximity to work, etc.
we found a fabulous realtor - jill elkins, and it took us 2 days and 15 houses before we found 'the one'! :) it's a columbia address, but i promise it's not THAT far out - and i can't wait to get everything worked out with it and have everyone over and get married and start our life together!!!!!!!!
we close the end of july, and besides a room or two to paint (if we choose to), it's ready to move into! life does not get too much better...except that hopefully these wedding projects will get done soon! ;) keep your fingers crossed that everything goes smoothly!
...we're buying a house!!!!
it all spurred from one little comment from my friend keri about her neighbor's house going up for sale. it was a really cute house (just like theirs, but mirror image), so when she told me about it, i thought well, maybe we can look at it. travel down the road of time three months and i get a call from keri saying that they put a sign in the yard that day...
i went and looked at it and fell in love with all of the possibilities that lied ahead of us. i pictured our furniture, painted walls, and OUR home. that sunday, tom and his family came and looked at the house and liked it as well. side note: if you know me at all, i like to THINK that i'm a planner but when the urge strikes, i like to jump on it and take advantage of a situation. tom, not so much. he's a muller, if you know what i mean. he wanted to think, and i wanted to jump on the opportunity. i think this is why we chose to only tell a few people about our venture (at this point) - due to the fact that some people would think that we jumped into it all too quickly and maybe think that we shouldn't make a rash decision.
anyways, later that week, we made an offer on the house...
alas, it did not work out. it was a foreclosure that had just went on the market, and the bank was not willing to budge (at that point - it has since been reduced)
so, now we've got the fever...and i mean fev-vah! ha!
tom decided that he wanted to start looking for a house due to the fact that we now realize that it will be cheaper than rent to actually invest in something. side note: i knew this already having played the apartment game for a couple of years after college...
he also decided that he wants to start looking in the spring hill area - due to the good prices, new shops, proximity to work, etc.
we found a fabulous realtor - jill elkins, and it took us 2 days and 15 houses before we found 'the one'! :) it's a columbia address, but i promise it's not THAT far out - and i can't wait to get everything worked out with it and have everyone over and get married and start our life together!!!!!!!!

we close the end of july, and besides a room or two to paint (if we choose to), it's ready to move into! life does not get too much better...except that hopefully these wedding projects will get done soon! ;) keep your fingers crossed that everything goes smoothly!
Friday, May 21, 2010
hello, weekend...
too bad we still don't have full house, boy meets world, step by step, and family matters to lead us into the weekend like we did back was THE best part of television. well, that's excluding saved by the bell on saturdays...ha! :)
anyways, it's going to be another busy weekend for this betrothed lady:
today: heading to chapel hill to attend my friend scarlett's purse party - should be fun, although i'm going to have to completely restrain myself in what i purchase. i DO have my eye on a really cute beach bag though!
saturday: heading to dickson to work on invites and paintings that need to be done in the next week or so...ahhh! pressure!
sunday: beginners spin with laing and then it's LOST all night long, bay-bee! as long as sawyer stays afloat, life will be good. and on the spoiler scorecard, there are only TWO spots left for deaths this season...and it's GOT TO BE from LOST! someone has to die. it's almost like with the LOTR trilogy - i was SOOO disappointed that at least ONE main character didn't die. even though i've heard that the boat was technically them passing on into the next whatever...i want drama and tears! just spare sawyer! and put him together with juliet, and this fan will be content!
Thursday, May 20, 2010
back to the gym!
so, after being out of the gym for a week or two (i know, i know!), i'm getting back into it tonight! i'm going to my bodypump class with laing, whom i have recruited to join the YMCA with me...i'm definitely excited to have her to go with 2 nights a week. let's hope i can go a couple more times a week PLUS the two classes we go to!
we've got engagement pictures on june 9th with the fabulous anna howard of daily ikon photography. i have not met her yet, but thanks to a fabulous groupon fm back in december we have the great opportunity to work with her. check out her work - you will be impressed! so THIS is really why i need to get back in the gym and get crackin...granted, i know that a whole lot probably won't change between now and june 9th, but i'm determined to try!!
after the gym, the grey's anatomy finale comes on, i'm not a huge fan who makes sure to clear their calendar whenever there's a new episode, but the finale DOES look crazy good. so i'm thinkin i might spend an extra hour on the elliptical watching part of it, and then during commercial zip on over to tom's to watch the rest! :) we will see!
we've got engagement pictures on june 9th with the fabulous anna howard of daily ikon photography. i have not met her yet, but thanks to a fabulous groupon fm back in december we have the great opportunity to work with her. check out her work - you will be impressed! so THIS is really why i need to get back in the gym and get crackin...granted, i know that a whole lot probably won't change between now and june 9th, but i'm determined to try!!
after the gym, the grey's anatomy finale comes on, i'm not a huge fan who makes sure to clear their calendar whenever there's a new episode, but the finale DOES look crazy good. so i'm thinkin i might spend an extra hour on the elliptical watching part of it, and then during commercial zip on over to tom's to watch the rest! :) we will see!
Wednesday, May 19, 2010
beautiful day...
it's so beautiful that i think my evening will probably consist of sitting outside and listening to one of my MANY library books on my ipod while i paint invitations. i've already done 10 today, so maybe i can get at least that many done a little later during my 'field trip'.
i can't wait to have our own place where i can actually have space to paint! then maybe i'll get some of the ones that i'm dying to finish worked on! :)
Tuesday, May 18, 2010
and the pressure begins...
my friend amanda's shower on june 5th
baby shower with paintings in hand on june 6th
engagement pictures on june 9th
tom's getting a wisdom tooth out after june 10th
invitations to be done
registering at a couple of stores should begin soon
guest list to be finalized
rings to be looked at
tuxes to be chosen
amanda's bachlorette party on july 10th
amanda's wedding on july 24th
and at that point, we're only 2.5 months away...O.M.G.
baby shower with paintings in hand on june 6th
engagement pictures on june 9th
tom's getting a wisdom tooth out after june 10th
invitations to be done
registering at a couple of stores should begin soon
guest list to be finalized
rings to be looked at
tuxes to be chosen
amanda's bachlorette party on july 10th
amanda's wedding on july 24th
and at that point, we're only 2.5 months away...O.M.G.
Thursday, April 22, 2010
i feel like jessie...
...from saved by the bell.
you know which episode i'm talking about.
the one where she's taking the pills and and starts screaming and crying to zach how there's NEVER any time...yeah, that's how i feel right about now.
invites need to be printed and painted.
my friend's wedding shower needs to be planned.
things need to be picked out.
michael's stores need to be scoured.
concrete steps need to be poured and created.
a room needs to be organized.
help? ;)
it's all coming along - just not as well as it should.
although i'm staying quite calm under all the pressure! so, go me, right? ha!
you know which episode i'm talking about.
the one where she's taking the pills and and starts screaming and crying to zach how there's NEVER any time...yeah, that's how i feel right about now.
invites need to be printed and painted.
my friend's wedding shower needs to be planned.
things need to be picked out.
michael's stores need to be scoured.
concrete steps need to be poured and created.
a room needs to be organized.
help? ;)
it's all coming along - just not as well as it should.
although i'm staying quite calm under all the pressure! so, go me, right? ha!
Sunday, March 21, 2010
i can't believe i haven't REALLY blogged in over a month - it's just not fair. life has taken a crazy turn, and it's all i can do to stay afloat. work is bananas (as i've said before), and i hope that i can make it until may. if i can make it til then, then maybe it'll all be ok. i look back now and i realize THANK GOODNESS that we didn't decide to get married in april - there'd be NO way i could get it done... so i'm glad that tom stepped and suggested that we wait a little longer in order to get some things in order.
just to give you a glimse into it all -
i haven't gotten home before 9 pm in i have no idea when (ok, maybe friday, but that's just because i had plans in dickson with my dc gals), but between working, working out at classes at the y, any other social plans, and trying to attempt to see tom every now and then, i'm exhausted.
i couldn't go to gatlinburg with my family this weekend because i have so much work to do - and i couldn't just go up there on saturday and come back sunday. but you'd better believe that i'm going to taking a mini-vacation fm work once busy season for me is over!
i haven't seen tom since last sunday (my birthday), and i won't until lunch tomorrow and i think i'm going over there to watch LOST on tuesday...i miss him.
in between all of this, i'm also helping my friend amanda, whose wedding is july 24th, plan her wedding and bridal shower/bachlorette party. so in a way i feel bad for trying to plan mine when hers comes first (in the calendar year).
i have got so much that needs to happen soon, that something's got to give, and i think it's going to be sleep! haha! less sleep means more stuff gets done, right?! haha!
i promise that i'll be better about updating even if i'm doing it on the weekends while i'm watching tv! i really want to keep a written journal of what i've got going on with this wedding planning process so that i can have it for myself later :)
just to give you a glimse into it all -
i haven't gotten home before 9 pm in i have no idea when (ok, maybe friday, but that's just because i had plans in dickson with my dc gals), but between working, working out at classes at the y, any other social plans, and trying to attempt to see tom every now and then, i'm exhausted.
i couldn't go to gatlinburg with my family this weekend because i have so much work to do - and i couldn't just go up there on saturday and come back sunday. but you'd better believe that i'm going to taking a mini-vacation fm work once busy season for me is over!
i haven't seen tom since last sunday (my birthday), and i won't until lunch tomorrow and i think i'm going over there to watch LOST on tuesday...i miss him.
in between all of this, i'm also helping my friend amanda, whose wedding is july 24th, plan her wedding and bridal shower/bachlorette party. so in a way i feel bad for trying to plan mine when hers comes first (in the calendar year).
i have got so much that needs to happen soon, that something's got to give, and i think it's going to be sleep! haha! less sleep means more stuff gets done, right?! haha!
i promise that i'll be better about updating even if i'm doing it on the weekends while i'm watching tv! i really want to keep a written journal of what i've got going on with this wedding planning process so that i can have it for myself later :)
Thursday, March 18, 2010
i'm such a slacker...
blame it on work!!!'s driving me bananas currently.
i have no time...NO time!
blame it on work!!!'s driving me bananas currently.
i have no time...NO time!
Wednesday, February 10, 2010
long overdue update.
i haven't had a whole lot of time to update this thing, and i must say that i haven't really DONE a whole lot of wedding planning lately. sad, i know...
but the ball is back on track, and it's slowly coming together.
right now, i'm trying to create all of my documents for my invitation - invitation, rsvp, hotel list, fun. ha! well i got the rsvp done - and i must say it is rather cute! i wanted it to be semi-formal while still being fun without offending anyone.
so on the check box reply part, it says:
____ is/are planning on celebrating, dancing, and having a great time with us!
____ is/are sorry to have to miss out on all the fun.
i must say that i was pretty proud of myself...i know it's not a completely NEW idea, but i think it's something that shows that it's a laid back kind of deal.
ok, i PROMISE to update more - i've got a ton of stuff going on today, so i thought i'd procrastinate a little more and update the blog with the latest... :)
but the ball is back on track, and it's slowly coming together.
right now, i'm trying to create all of my documents for my invitation - invitation, rsvp, hotel list, fun. ha! well i got the rsvp done - and i must say it is rather cute! i wanted it to be semi-formal while still being fun without offending anyone.
so on the check box reply part, it says:
____ is/are planning on celebrating, dancing, and having a great time with us!
____ is/are sorry to have to miss out on all the fun.
i must say that i was pretty proud of myself...i know it's not a completely NEW idea, but i think it's something that shows that it's a laid back kind of deal.
ok, i PROMISE to update more - i've got a ton of stuff going on today, so i thought i'd procrastinate a little more and update the blog with the latest... :)
Monday, February 1, 2010
wedding dress = ordered!!!!!
ahhhh!!! :)
enough said for this post...
want pictures - text/email me
why? because i have a craztastic fiance who will most definitely cheat and look on here if i happen to post anything....
enough said for this post...
want pictures - text/email me
why? because i have a craztastic fiance who will most definitely cheat and look on here if i happen to post anything....
Monday, January 18, 2010
bridal show...
my mom and i went to the bridal show on sunday, and boy! was it crazy, white & pink, overwhelming chaos! but i really loved every minute of it... i signed up for a lot of giveaways, got a LOT of great ideas, and (potentially) found my dream dress! :)
on the dress front, we saw a lot of cool dresses during the 3!! fashion shows during the bridal show, so all the places showcased are on my list of places to visit before i make a final decision... i have an appt at davids bridal on thursday afternoon to begin my search (said dream dress will be there!), so hopefully i can narrow down my list of dresses that i like from my tabbed catalog to a couple to get some more opinions! :)
ok, on another front, i've cleaned out my closet and moved my bookcase to the living room and now i have NO excuses to start work on my wedding projects - except laundry...maybe i'll do THAT tomorrow...just kidding! but seriously...ha! this weekend i'll be at tom's house, so if i can get my invites PRINTED by friday, i'll feel really accomplished!
we'll just see if that happens...ha!
on the dress front, we saw a lot of cool dresses during the 3!! fashion shows during the bridal show, so all the places showcased are on my list of places to visit before i make a final decision... i have an appt at davids bridal on thursday afternoon to begin my search (said dream dress will be there!), so hopefully i can narrow down my list of dresses that i like from my tabbed catalog to a couple to get some more opinions! :)
ok, on another front, i've cleaned out my closet and moved my bookcase to the living room and now i have NO excuses to start work on my wedding projects - except laundry...maybe i'll do THAT tomorrow...just kidding! but seriously...ha! this weekend i'll be at tom's house, so if i can get my invites PRINTED by friday, i'll feel really accomplished!
we'll just see if that happens...ha!
Tuesday, January 12, 2010
wedding planning depression...
i'm having a bit of a 'bridezilla'-ish moment...
nothing in particular has caused it, and it's not directed at anyONE, but i'm just questioning everything and thinking about things. this could be attributed to the oncoming sinus infection.
things such as:
will my wedding go the way i want it to?
will it be able to even hold a candle to the other weddings that have been there in the past?
is one day enough time to get everything decorated/setup?
will tom be able to finagle a sound system outside?
is there a huge to-do list out there somewhere that's specific to ME and me only? ha!
i know it'll work out...if anything, we have a place, a photographer, a pastor, and us. so if all else fails, we just need a marriage certificate, right? at least that much is for sure!
i need to get over this, and quickly because there is a ton of work to do.
plus, i have to help with my friend amanda's wedding that i'm in too!
so, wish me luck and feel free to pass on words of encouragement - i definitely need them.
nothing in particular has caused it, and it's not directed at anyONE, but i'm just questioning everything and thinking about things. this could be attributed to the oncoming sinus infection.
things such as:
will my wedding go the way i want it to?
will it be able to even hold a candle to the other weddings that have been there in the past?
is one day enough time to get everything decorated/setup?
will tom be able to finagle a sound system outside?
is there a huge to-do list out there somewhere that's specific to ME and me only? ha!
i know it'll work out...if anything, we have a place, a photographer, a pastor, and us. so if all else fails, we just need a marriage certificate, right? at least that much is for sure!
i need to get over this, and quickly because there is a ton of work to do.
plus, i have to help with my friend amanda's wedding that i'm in too!
so, wish me luck and feel free to pass on words of encouragement - i definitely need them.
Sunday, January 10, 2010
dress time?! really?!
oh lord! so i've been saying ever since july that i would start looking at wedding dresses in january...well, january is here! crazy, huh? i guess that makes this wedding pretty serious. ha! so i think i'm going to begin the search in about 2 weeks. i definitely will NOT be in wedding dress shape that i wanted to be in, but that's OK! just because i start the search doesn't mean i have to order it the day i try it on or who knows if i'll even find one anytime soon...and that's fine too! :) just wanted to give some sort of semblance of an update...
whoohoo! let the games begin!
whoohoo! let the games begin!
Sunday, January 3, 2010
kindle vs sony reader
just in case anyone reading this ever needs to know how i feel about either of these devices, you can read my other book blog for my biased review. ha!
kindle vs sony
wedding planning is back in full force!!! :)
going to go check out bridesmaids' dresses up close on wednesday & saturday with amanda - while we look for bridesmaids' dresses for her wedding coming up in july! :)
kindle vs sony
wedding planning is back in full force!!! :)
going to go check out bridesmaids' dresses up close on wednesday & saturday with amanda - while we look for bridesmaids' dresses for her wedding coming up in july! :)
Friday, January 1, 2010
happy new year!!!
new year's resolutions:
hope you're having a great day!!
i spent mine spending more $$ than i needed to on christmas wrapping paper and a really cool sculpture wall hanging thing for our new place next, i mean THIS year!! :)
- take more pictures any chance i get (i'm currently the world's worst at taking ANY)
- be more spontaneous (this is an ongoing resolution that just gets better and better with age)
- plan my favoritest wedding ever! (i wasn't sure how else to word that but i know it'll be the best day in our lives in 2010 - so i think it gets my point across!)
hope you're having a great day!!
i spent mine spending more $$ than i needed to on christmas wrapping paper and a really cool sculpture wall hanging thing for our new place next, i mean THIS year!! :)
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