...we're buying a house!!!!
it all spurred from one little comment from my friend keri about her neighbor's house going up for sale. it was a really cute house (just like theirs, but mirror image), so when she told me about it, i thought well, maybe we can look at it. travel down the road of time three months and i get a call from keri saying that they put a sign in the yard that day...
i went and looked at it and fell in love with all of the possibilities that lied ahead of us. i pictured our furniture, painted walls, and OUR home. that sunday, tom and his family came and looked at the house and liked it as well. side note: if you know me at all, i like to THINK that i'm a planner but when the urge strikes, i like to jump on it and take advantage of a situation. tom, not so much. he's a muller, if you know what i mean. he wanted to think, and i wanted to jump on the opportunity. i think this is why we chose to only tell a few people about our venture (at this point) - due to the fact that some people would think that we jumped into it all too quickly and maybe think that we shouldn't make a rash decision.
anyways, later that week, we made an offer on the house...
alas, it did not work out. it was a foreclosure that had just went on the market, and the bank was not willing to budge (at that point - it has since been reduced)
so, now we've got the fever...and i mean fev-vah! ha!
tom decided that he wanted to start looking for a house due to the fact that we now realize that it will be cheaper than rent to actually invest in something. side note: i knew this already having played the apartment game for a couple of years after college...
he also decided that he wants to start looking in the spring hill area - due to the good prices, new shops, proximity to work, etc.
we found a fabulous realtor - jill elkins, and it took us 2 days and 15 houses before we found 'the one'! :) it's a columbia address, but i promise it's not THAT far out - and i can't wait to get everything worked out with it and have everyone over and get married and start our life together!!!!!!!!

we close the end of july, and besides a room or two to paint (if we choose to), it's ready to move into! life does not get too much better...except that hopefully these wedding projects will get done soon! ;) keep your fingers crossed that everything goes smoothly!
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