Wednesday, October 14, 2009

so excited!!

for two (main) reasons...

1) my wishing wall is at my front door! already! i can't wait to rip open the box and see what it looks like. i might even take pictures of it to put up here! :)

2) my homemade invites. they're going to work!!!!!! i printed out a rough draft of the wording to see if they would fit in with my pattern, and it looks so good (if i do say so myself). i've got to find some cool fonts to use, but overall it's going to be awesome. i can't decide if i want to post a picture or just keep it a suprise, but i know everyone will love them. or even if they don't, i do (and tom and our parents and my friends that i've shown it to), and that's what matters! :) now i'm just anxious to get it right and get to work...any volunteers to help? ha! we have 180ish invites, rsvps, and programs to work on...whoohoo! <---- THIS is why we are starting now. it really means a lot to be able to put my crafty-ish-ness to work and be able to do something special (+15 other projects...haha!) that everyone will be able to see/keep.

i just want to say that i love my friends and family for dealing with my picture sending madness the past couple of days...especially my BM's because they will have to put up with about 11.5 months more of it! :)

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