Wednesday, November 4, 2009

new week, new post...

ok, so it's wednesday, and i just realized that i haven't posted anything for a week...
i apologize, my my previous post you can probably tell that i've been crazy busy lately!

halloween was chaotic but all in all the entire thing was a pretty big success! there was just SO many people and not enough people to wrangle the crowds! but you live and learn and hopefully next year will be WAY more organized! :) i had a great time spending time with jackie, beckie, and rachel along with some of the old park crew fm my days of working there...

so any progress in the past 7 days?
actually, YES!

i was able to cut all of the invitations on sunday night...nothing like some quiet time along with season 1 of desparate housewives and an industrial cutter to get the job done. i was done in about an hour and a half. so once the invites are done, we'll move on to the rsvp cards and the map/directions cards - but, for now, i'm happy that the invites are cut...

along with cutting ALL the invites, i've printed the wording on about 50-ish of them. and i must admit they look pretty darn good. i actually painted up one and brought it to work today to show some of my work bff's and gather some opinions - all postive! whoohoo! tom and his parents really liked it too, so that's always good!

one other thing accomplished was that i figured out/estimated the size of the tables in the dining hall at the park. 5' x 4.5' - so i've been thinking about making my own tablecloths (thanks, laing!) so i've got to go check out joann's with my 50% coupons that i get in my email every couple of days and see what i can figure out!

other than that, i've just been trying to keep up with's been a little stressful the past couple of days and will just continue to get worse until march or april probably. fun fun.

until next time. :)

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